SupplierVision provides tools for managing and overseeing suppliers. One secure system to meet regulatory obligations, provide controls and enable efficient reporting to management.
Watch our dynamic video to have a guided tour around the system and read below for the detailed functionality of each module.
One Secure System
Govern your suppliers and manage them with ease. No more relying on spreadsheets, emails and paper documents. Everything managed with secure workflow, alerts and document storage.
Meets Your Regulatory Obligations
SupplierVision has a unique ability to demonstrate to regulators and your investors that you have a central workflow and reporting system to control all supplier management activities. A comprehensive audit trail that meets increasingly demanding regulatory requirements without increasing headcount.
Improve Controls and Efficiency
Benefit from significantly improved management and control of your suppliers, ensuring all governance is performed effectively and uses best practise workflow to achieve efficiencies.
Key Product Features
Tracks fees paid to suppliers
Compares fees against budgets
Can analyse fees at a product, service or cost centre level
About SupplierVision
Our Partners​
SupplierVision has been developed with our strategic development and hosting partner, Exact Financial Systems. Exact have been providing IT solutions to the financial services industry and broader market for over 25 years. For more information please visit Exact Financial Systems.
RegTech Solutions is our partner for the distribution of SupplierVision in Australia. RegTech Solutions is a business platform providing leading technology to the financial services industry, helping businesses comply with their regulatory requirements. For more information please visit RegTech Solutions.
If you are an existing SupplierVision customer with a support query please email our support team or call us on +44 (0)20 7489 6377 between 9am-5pm BST.
The assessment module allows you to perform initial and on-going assessments of your suppliers. The system will alert you when these assessments need to be performed.
You can define the criteria upon which you need to assess your suppliers.
Different suppliers can be assessed against different criteria.
Rules can be created so that the system automatically assigns materiality levels to your suppliers based on the assessments you perform.
You can then set appropriate governance frameworks for the materiality levels you have defined.
The system will then monitor the extent to which these governance frameworks are being followed.

A report displaying Suppliers and the governance framework they are linked to and the subsequent details of whether they are adhering to the framework within SupplierVision.

A table of Contracts detailing key information and a scatter graph showing the Contract Expiry Dates.
The contracts module stores the key terms of each contract, including the expiry dates, notice period, liability terms, rights to termination, as well as the services covered for each supplier relationship.
Current, archived and amended contracts can be securely stored.
The system will alert when contracts need to be renewed and when specific contractual obligations are due.
Terms can be compared across multiple contracts providing a clearer view to negotiate improved, standardised terms in the future.
The service management module records the current and historical KPI performance of each supplier.
It can compare the performance of suppliers and allow you to interrogate their results and track trends.
Supplier service performance reports can be produced for management and supplier service review meetings.

A line graph showing KPI results by year.

The events module enables you to monitor key activities like due diligence, audits and risk assessments.
The system will alert you online and via email when these activities need to be performed.
At any stage you can view and report the status of these events to ensure they are completed successfully.
Due diligence questionnaires and attestations can be published to suppliers and their responses tracked.
A bar chart evidencing which Event Types have been completed.
This module creates a governance structure, manages supplier meetings and stores related documents - agendas and minutes.
You can add meeting types, e.g. monthly service reviews and can set up the meeting time, start date and client organiser. When creating a meeting you can add a meeting frequency and the system will auto-generate a series of meetings spanning over the year at that frequency.
Calendar invites can be imported and updated from Outlook to generate the meeting register.
You get pop-up notifications for the upcoming meetings in SupplierVision when logged in, which are sent by email if not logged in.
Attendance records can be stored evidencing who did attend vs. who should have attended.

A calendar view of all upcoming Meetings for the month.

A bar chart displaying the Breach type per Service Group.
The breaches module records supplier incidents and errors that have occurred.
Remediation plans to address breaches can be logged.
Analysis of the type of breaches that have occurred and their root cause can be monitored and reported.
Any actions as a result of a breach can be tracked.
Issues, Actions & Change
Log or email into the system supplier issues and changes.
Capture actions from supplier meetings, events or incidents.
Capture internally raised supplier issues that your oversight team need to manage.
Use workflow to track and monitor your suppliers progress in resolving issues, delivering changes or completing actions.
Automatically capture email traffic related to issues and changes so that you have a full audit trail of related activity.
Monitor and report how responsive your supplier is at resolving issues against SLA standards.
Monitor and report how effective your supplier is at delivering change on time and on budget.
Track what your change spend is with your suppliers.
Report all activity related to issues, changes and actions to management and other interested stakeholders.

A bar chart displaying the open Issues per Supplier and an
example of the workflow of the Issue with captured email traffic.
The risk module lets you record and monitor supplier related risks to improve visibility of the overall risk to your business. Risks can be rated both by probability of occurrence and the impact of the risk if it happens, calculating a risk score.
An overall rating per risk is created so that risks can be ranked and graded as Red, Amber or Green. Each risk can capture a mitigation narrative and mitigation documents can be attached for ease of retrieval.
Risk assessment events can be created and tagged with owners, so they are prompted to reassess the risk on a regular basis.

A Risk blotter summarising key information including when the Risk Assessments are next due.
The fees module allows you to set budgets per supplier for the service they are providing and track the spend, offering a Predicted vs. Actual comparison.
Fees are recorded per service and entity receiving the service to support analysis of trends over time.
Fees can be captured in multiple currencies and displayed back in both local currency and a system wide currency, to allow fee comparison.

A bar chart evidencing fee totals per Supplier.

An interactive dashboard with customised views of the supplier information within SupplierVision.
SupplierVision has licensed Power BI for its reporting capabilities, which integrates the MI and report builder seamlessly for users to build their own reports and views on the modules in the system.
The reports and dashboards are designed to give your management key information on suppliers and the organisations that control them.
Reports can be fully customised with logos, colour schemes, tables, text boxes and a wide variety of visuals. Analytic functions without filtering, sorting, grouping and aggregations of data.
Data can be scheduled to automatically produce reports and distribute them to users on a regular basis.